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W wakacyjnym sezonie kolejny ciekawy link, znaleziony na Z cyklu niewidzialne struktury: wizualizacja sygnałów WLAN. Więcej o projekcie z wykorzystaniem LED do obrazowania WIFI w przestrzeni miejskiej: tutaj

Autor: Nickolay Lamm, What If You Could See WiFi?

Great to see my hometown from the outer perspective!

Urban Space Critics

A one day walk through Szczecin was enough to confront the google reality with a walking perspective on the city. Szczecin can be read through the attempts to healing of wounds inflicted by the 1945 carpet bombing. Some of them have been mitigated by planted greenery, some missing parts have been reconstructed, some vast parts of the city have been entirely replaced by new urban tissue.

Rondo Jerzego Giedroycia

Postwar development was led by diverse priorities with the reconstruction of prewar order as the last one due to the almost entire exchange of inhabitants and transformation into the Communist regime. Introduction of large scale traffic solutions was in line with functionalist thinking prevailing at that time in Europe but against the urban tissue which had no community to identify with it and to stand for it. At Rondo Giedroycia there is no winner within the current solution: neither the urban block is properly enclosed, nor the…

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Banery reklamowe na trasie Wyścigu Pokoju. Baner reklamowy Zakładów Przemysłu Odzieżowego „Dana” w Szczecinie. Autor: Rutowska Grażyna. 1968. Sygnatura NAC: 40-4-282-18